Catering in villa
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A novelty of awesomeness and suggestion
to make really unforgetable your most important moments


Vi propose an exclusive loaction, reserved for few events
that you wanna really make unique and marvelous


The suggestive spaces of a Victoriese Venetian Villa,
inside a secular park.

The awesomeness of a saloon richly decorated, furnished with affinery and open on a secolar trees scenario

our best dishes and an accurate service

will be your happiest moments exclusive and prestigious frame

Located on a small hill, the villa is sourrounded by four ectars of garden,
meadows, alleyways, pathways with trees that brings you to the nice to see viewpoint…


The mansion is included into Veneto’s Villas catalogue, built in the 1800 as summer residence for a couple of Venetian nobles,
The building is perfectly restaured and sourrounded by greenery, bordered by ancient horse stables.

Our staff will prepare exclusively, the menĂ¹ for your special event,
giving space to you personality and making available to you all our creativity
both in our most traditional dishes and in our finger-food proposals
with the intent of statisfy every guest.